Reach More Customers with Belong For Me

Connect your business to the local workforce by hosting employer-sponsored networking events.

How It Works

Events Are Created

We partner with you to package your existing services as networking events that employees can attend.

Employees Are Invited

Employees are matched with work colleagues and invited to events that resonate with their interests.

Employees Attend

Employees who are interested attend your event and rate their experience.

We help employees connect. As they connect with each other, we connect them to you.

Completely Free-of-Charge!

Expand Your Reach

Our platform places your business in front of the employees of large employers in your area.

Attract New Customers

Employees attend your events and experience everything your business has to offer.

Collect Useful Insights

Get data insights from our Vendor Analytics Platform so that you’re able to improve your event offerings and customer experience.


Ready to Reach More Customers?

Submit your information below to connect with a member of our team.